• 09/2011-08/2014 “ISPR: Influences of snow cover on thermal and mechanical processes in steep permafrost rock walls.” (SNF/DFG) PIs Prof. M. Krautblatter and Dr. M. Phillips (SLF).
  • 06/2010-07/2014 “Risk-TUM: Entwicklung neuer Leitlinien für integrale Wildbachsanierungskonzepte (Phase I und Phase II).“ (LFU) PI: P. Rutschmann, Co-PI: D. Straub
  • 01/2012-12/2013 “DeMontes: Deformation monitoring by high resolution terrestrial long range sensing.” Co-PI: Dr. A. Reiterer
  • 08/2009-07/2012 "SIMKAS3d: Simulation von intersektoriellen Kaskadeneffekten bei Ausfällen von Versorgungsinfrastrukturen“ (BMBF) CoPI: Th. Kolbe
  • 2005-2011 "German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System". Co-PI: G. Strunz (DLR)
  • 08/2010-12/2010 “alpEWAS-market” (BMBF) PIs Profs. K. Thuro, Th. Wunderlich and O. Heunecke
  • 11/2007-01/2009 “alpEWAS: Development and testing of an integrative 3d early warning system for alpine instable slopes.” (BMBF) PIs Profs. K. Thuro, Th. Wunderlich and O. Heunecke (UniBw)