Bavarian Pressure Map

Well-based pore pressure data from the Bavarian Molasse Basin

Pore pressure is a key input for well planning and any geomechanical study in the deeper subsurface. Since 2016, we systematically investigated pore pressure measurements and indicators and the spatial distribution of pore pressure in the Bavarian part of the overpressured North Alpine Foreland Basin (Bavarian Molasse Basin). Here, the adequate consideration of pore pressure magnitudes into deep geothermal well planning has an significant cost-saving potential, because drilling risks that have both impact on economics and safety can be mitigated.


Our latest contributions (in chronological order) that are related to pore pressure in the Bavarian Molasse Basin:

Pore pressure data compilation of 25 wells from the Bavarian Molasse Basin: Scout reports/tickets database, which contains drilling fluid densities, casing points, measured pore pressure magnitudes, total gas profiles and basic stratigraphic tops.

Pore pressure from drilling data: Shatyrbayeva, I., Bohnsack, D., Duschl, F. and Drews, M.C. 2023. Comparison and integration of pore pressure measurements and indicators from drilling data in a deep geothermal energy play in SE Germany. Geoenergy, 1, geoenergy2023-2038,

Impact of pore pressure on deep geothermal drilling: Drews, M.C., Shatyrbayeva, I. et al. 2022. The role of pore pressure and its prediction in deep geothermal energy drilling – examples from the North Alpine Foreland Basin, SE Germany. Petroleum Geoscience, 28,

Pore pressure along the North Alpine Thrust Front: Drews, M.C. and Duschl, F. 2022. Overpressure, vertical stress, compaction and horizontal loading along the North Alpine Thrust Front, SE Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 143,

Our work was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and ArtsBavarian Environment Agency and Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.


Older publications, which adressed overpressure in the Bavarian Molasse Basin:

Rizzi, P.W., 1973. Hochdruckzonenfrüherkennung in Mitteleuropa. Erdoel-Erdgas-Zeitschrift 89, 249–256.

Lemcke, K., 1976. Übertiefe Grundwässer im süddeutschen Alpenvorland. Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweiz. Pet. -Geologen und -Ingenieur. 42, 9–18.

Müller, M., Nieberding, F., Wanninger, A., 1988. Tectonic style and pressure distribution at the northern margin of the Alps between Lake Constance and the River Inn. Geol. Rundsch. 77, 787–796.

Müller, M., Nieberding, F., 1996. Principles of abnormal pressures related to tectonic developments and their implication for drilling activities (Bavarian Alps, Germany). In: Wessely, G., Liebl, W. (Eds.), Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrusbelts and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe. EAGE Spec. Pub., pp. 119–126.

Drews, M.C., Bauer, W., Caracciolo, L. and Stollhofen, H. 2018. Disequilibrium compaction overpressure in shales of the Bavarian Foreland Molasse Basin: Results and geographical distribution from velocity-based analyses. Marine and Petroleum Geology92, 37-50,

Drews, M.C., Hofstettter, P., Zosseder, K., Shipilin, V. and Stollhofen, H. 2020. Predictability and mechanisms of overpressure in the Bavarian Foreland Molasse Basin: An integrated analysis of the Geretsried GEN-1 Deep Geothermal Well. Geoth. Energy, 8:20,


Related projects and funding

BoostGeotherm.Bayern (Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy)

KompakT (Bavarian Environment Agency)

Geothermie-Allianz-Bayern GAB (Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Arts)

BORIS (Bavarian Environment Agency)