
EGU2024 Call for abstracts - ERE2.9 Deep Geothermal Energy session

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Dear colleagues,

We are inviting you to submit an abstract to our session at the EGU24, to join the discussion in Deep Geothermal Energy.


Deep Geothermal Energy

Co-organized by EMRP1

Convener: Guido Blöcher | Co-conveners: Kalliopi TzoufkaECS, Mauro Cacace, Jean Schmittbuhl, David Bruhn

Abstract submission

This session focuses on the investigation of deep geothermal reservoirs in any geological environment including sedimentary basins to crystalline basement rocks. The targets encompass hydrothermal, petrothermal, enhanced geothermal, and close loop systems. We particularly welcome contributions related to reservoir exploration, monitoring and operation in fractured and faulted reservoirs, including the assessment of their sustainable usage as well as of potential hazards such as induced seismicity. This session features multi-disciplinary and cross-scale studies characterizing the reservoir performance and behavior by additional experimental and numerical analysis of related THMC processes.

We look forward to meeting you in Vienna and fostering the exchange on the topic!

Guido Blöcher (GFZ), Kalliopi Tzoufka (TUM), Mauro Cacace (GFZ), Jean Schmittbuhl (CNRS/UdS), and David Bruhn (TU Delft)